“I am so happy that my son is in your class learning and being a happy child. We are blessed to have you and to be part of the GMAA family.”


“Thank you for your dedication in helping guide these little humans into the real world outside of home! I honestly have seen a change

in Joseph and I know it’s because of the time he spends in the class learning and growing with you and his new friends!”

“First of all, I want to thank you for all your effort and dedication to help us educate our children full of values and faith in God. The

school leaves me with beautiful memories that I will always carry in my heart.”

Greater Miami Adventist Academy

Early Childhood Education 500 North West 122nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33182 305.220.5955 | gmaaece.com | gma.edu
© All Rights Reserved. Greater Miami Adventist Academy

Greater Miami Adventist Academy

Early Childhood Education

“I am so happy that my son is in your class

learning and being a happy child. We are

blessed to have you and to be part of the

GMAA family.”


“Thank you for your dedication in helping guide

these little humans into the real world outside

of home! I honestly have seen a change in

Joseph and I know it’s because of the time he

spends in the class learning and growing with

you and his new friends!”

“First of all, I want to thank you for all your

effort and dedication to help us educate our

children full of values and faith in God. The

school leaves me with beautiful memories that I

will always carry in my heart.”

Give your child a great start with

Greater Miami Adventist Academy

Early Childhood Education 500 North West 122nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33182 305.220.5955 |gmaaece.com | gma.edu